General Dentistry

At Brighten Dental we offer an extensive range of dental and cosmetic services commonly called ‘General Dentistry’.

General Dentistry General Dentistry 1


These services include, but are not limited to…

  • Providing preventive treatment such as scaling, cleaning and fluoride therapy.
  • Repairing teeth damaged by decay or trauma, rebuilding tooth structures for functional or aesthetic reasons and providing crowns and bridges.
  • Treating diseases of the roots, gums and soft tissues of the mouth and carries out various surgical procedures, from routine extractions to far more complex operations on the jaws and soft tissues.
  • Using X-rays to detect abnormalities and plan treatment.
  • Managing malformation and misalignment of teeth and jaws by providing appropriate treatment.
  • Designing dentures and oral appliances by taking impressions, recording jaw relations, selecting teeth and correctly fitting dental appliances manufactured by dental technicians to the dentists’ prescriptions.
  • Extraction of teeth.


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